Wednesday, October 05, 2005

It's slowing down

Well it's like every other in thing. It starts big and then it slows down. The blogging frenzy has spread like a virus infecting even ppl whom you don't think would do this sort of thing. But the virus has now, a cure to combat it. At least for my blog it has.

I think the visiting of blogs have lessened. More bloggers are now either just blogging for the sake of blogging and not really blog visiting anymore. There's also news every now and then saying that some blooggers have been arrested for blogging racial stuff on their sites bringing them to court and getting themselves arrested. Gues this has to be a big thing that something like that to happen.

As for me, i'm blogging for the sake of blogging hehe. Do go site visiting sometimes just to see what's going on with other people and to see if my fiance has a new fetish (not like it makes any difference... we talk every night!!!). Or maybe sometimes, when i have nothing to do, like now, (waiting for Chris to download her info from the net) i might just sit down and pen a few words. Cheers!!!

P/S: Can't wait for my baby to come over...Miss him like crazy!


Blogger Danny Chen said...

Yeah, I think most of them their tahi ayam has grown cold... :(

2:45 PM  
Blogger shades said...

not true...

I still blog and read you ppl punya blogs!!!

2:35 PM  

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