Monday, August 15, 2005

Picture update! (Dedicated to the 2 of my friends who have just graduated)

A few pictures taken over the past few days...

From left: Felicia, Eza, Sarah, Me, Jiha and Ah Mau at the gala night.

Felicia and I at the Aquatic Resource Gala Nite 2005.

Kevin and I. Fella didn't put on his jubah cause it was so hot. But he did look pretty good that day, i think ~

David looking proud and happy in his pink jubah. He's always putting on a wide, shy smile. David! cannot be so shy ya?

The brain. One of those nicer exhibitions they had during the convo hehe ;-)

Ah Mau's Vegetarian stall . Not bad the vegetarian food i've ever tasted. Kudos to the chef!


Blogger Audrey Yu said...

Oii...why you didn't announce that I will put that kam POINT's photo up at my blog soon, har?

2:26 PM  

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