Sunday, August 14, 2005

To my best friends David and Kevin...

We met on the the tennis court one day,
Our purpose - to play,
We made friends with each other,
And that grew by the day.

Time pasess so fast,
Now you're no more here,
But i will always have you in my heart,
Remebered, unforgotten.

The times we shared,
The good and the bad,
The lessons we learnt over tennis,
The talks we had over meals.

My heart is stll saddend,
By the fact that you both are not by my side anymore,
To comfort me in times of trouble,
To help me in times of need.

But i know this has to happen,
Whether i like it or not,
Like they say "To meet and to part,
is the saddest thing of the human heart"

We no longer play on the court anymore,
We no longer hear each other laugh,
We've gotten on with our lives,
You're now working,
But i'm still here.

And i'm happy that you still remember me when u came back,
And i'm glad that you still care,
I'm grateful for our friendship,
Which i know you and i will forever remeber and will always share.


Blogger Danny Chen said...

Darling, you eed to read my blog about best friends :D I wonder how you can manage with 2 best friends???

8:04 PM  
Blogger Snowflake said...

i have more than 2 hehe

8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's really telling you that you only need one....and it's neither of those friends you dedicated the poem to ;)

6:52 PM  
Blogger Snowflake said...

hehe...ok..i get it

12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does that dedicated to me?

4:31 PM  
Blogger Snowflake said...

yes's dedicated to you and david

10:54 AM  

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